Payson Elen Barrett

Payson Elen Barrett

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Court Hearing

We had a very successful day in Gyumri today. We went to the orphanage first thing this morning to see Payson again. This time we stayed outside with her so that Caleb could play on "Payson's plaground" as he calls it which is the orphanage playground. The visit went really well. They actually had her in normal summer clothing today instead of 2 layers of footed PJs. When they first brought her out to us, she was spitting up alot, but the nurse said that she does that because she likes to eat so much that she won't stop even when she has had enough. We could tell since she had on shorts and a sleevless shirt that she is definitely getting nutrients. She has a nice round belly and some plump to her legs that she did not have last time we saw her :) She got sleepy towards the end of our visit and I could tell she was ready to nap. I rocked her and would get her close to falling asleep but not quite. I handed her off to Will because he seems to have the magic touch with her and she fell asleep within minutes in his arms :)

Caleb played with all the orphanage children that were outside while we were there. It really grabs a hold of your heart to see these precious children that need homes so bad, but in reality you know that their chance of finding forever homes is very slim because of their age and disability. One little girl in particular who is 4, but is the size of most American 18 month olds really tugged at my heart. She has spina bifida and her smile can light up a room. Unfortunately the orphanage director at this particular orphanage gives anyone who wants to adopt one of their children a very hard time so these children get left out many times because the attorneys get tired of dealing with her.

We met our attorney around 1pm so that he could prep us for court. We then went to court. Court was very intimidating. The judge kept on asking us why we would choose to adopt a child with a disability when we can have a biological child of our own. We continued to give him answers, but he seemed confused. The representative from the Gyumri social services finally told him that she could see our sincere desire to provide Payson a home and that she had not doubt in her mind that we would love Payson as we do Caleb. He was content with her feelings and finally issued his decision that he would allow us to obtain full custody of Payson upon receiving his court decree on Friday. This hearing had two concerns first that he would approve our adoption and second that he would allow us to have full custody of her without the typical 31 day waiting period which he granted both. We had a translator through out the entire hearing as no one else spoke English besides our attorney who was not allowed to be on the floor with us. Caleb did very well in the court hearing. He fell asleep about half way through the court hearing and just now woke up.

We now have 2 days in Gymuri to hang out and kill time. We only get to spend limited time at the orphanage as the director is not very open to having us there very much during the day, but no worries because she will be ours on Friday :)

Thank you so much to all of you for praying for us today! God certainly answered them. The overwhelming support that we have received from everyone through comments, prayers, etc while being over here means more than any of you could know. Thank you and God Bless!!!

Love, Jenn


  1. It was indeed a great day!! I know it must have been very difficult to watch the other children at the orphanage. It has been so amazing to watch God walk each step with ya'll and pave the way for great things to happen. Please post anything you may need us to do for you here, other than pray of course. Have some fun the next two days! Love u all!! Brinda

  2. There was one little girl that I remember who may just be the one you talk about lighting up the room. She drew me in SO quickly when we were there and I can still see her little face as clear as day! (I was playing with her when Will came out to get me and introduce me to Payson once and for all - it's one of those "I remember where I was when" moments) I'm SO glad that Caleb is handling all of this so well! And, praise be to God that the lady from social services could see your love and spoke up on your behalf. I bet that blew the judge's mind! :) We love and miss you ALL and can't wait to hear more about this adventure and the blessings that God continues to heap on you, your family, and the throng of people that you guys have impacted so greatly over the years and throughout this process!!!!

  3. Wow what a day for ya'll. I just for the life of me cannot understand why anyone would make it so hard to adopt these sweet children. Praying daily for each step you take. Asking God to pave a smooth path back to us. We love you and your commitment to God and Caleb and Payson. Look forward to hearing from you tomorrow.
